Today my review is going to be about the book Crow Lake by Mary Lawson. Out of 5 stars I give this book 3 and a half stars.

When I first started reading this book I struggled with it. I don’t really read a story like this, but I gave it a chance.


So this book is basically about a woman named Katie who is the main character and is telling the story about her childhood. It takes place in a farmland in Toronto, Canada I believe.

She reminisces about her life as a young girl, like 7 or so and the devastation that her, her two older brothers, and younger sister went through with the loss of their parents. Luke and Matt are her older brothers and Bo is her younger sister.

Katie loves Matt the most to me in the story. She clings to every word he says and wants to be with him 24/7. Katie appears to be afraid of Luke and annoyed by Bo.

Eventually Katie grows up and she works at a university and does something with organisms and microscopes haha. She chose this because her brother Matt was interested in this and he ended up staying in Crow Lake because of an unfortunate incident that happened with him and a girl.

Anyway the story continues with Katie as a grown woman dating a man who she’s not so sure about. She gets an invitation from Matt about his sons birthday party. This issue is, is that she’s not sure if she should bring this man with her because she’s not 100 percent about how she feels about him.

Long story short, this man finds the invitation and now she has no choice but to invite him and he says yes. Katie is the type of character that holds everything in. She never told him about her family really or her upbringing, so she’s afraid to bring him. She does anyway and it actually works out. Him and Matt get a long at the end of the story and Katie finds herself happy to be back in the company of Matt and her other siblings.

Throughout the whole story Katie seemed ashamed by her family because she never spoke about them, but deep down she loved them very much.

I did enjoy this story, but it was very different then what I’m used to reading. If you check it out enjoy and keep me in mind.

Also I wanted to point out that I’m now part of a publishing company called Zimbell House. Click Here to see me and my interview 😁

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